Have Your Company Double Your Dollar
Many companies will match the gifts made by their employees and retirees to a qualified non-profit organization. The Lutheran Home has been fortunate to receive thousands of dollars in matching gifts over the years. These gifts have enabled us to increase our support of our mission.
When your company “doubles your dollar,” you receive twice the satisfaction and Lutheran Home receives twice as much support. It’s this easy:
- Locate your company’s name on this list. If your company isn’t on our list, find out if it has a matching gift program.
Click here to download a pdf of the current Matching Gift Companies list. - Usually the company provides a form to you which should be forwarded to the Foundation with your donation.
- Send the completed form with your donation to:
Lutheran Home Foundation
7500 W. North Avenue
Wauwatosa, WI 53213
(If you’ve already donated, just send the completed form, as we still may be able to obtain a match.) We process the form, and the company sends us a matching contribution. We acknowledge each matching gift with a thank-you to the corporation and to the individual who submitted the request for the matching contribution.
Contact Information
For additional information, please call 414-258-6171 ext. 744 or e-mail us [email protected].
Heidi Mayer, Executive Director