Mind Effects is designed for individuals with mild cognitive impairment, mild memory loss, a family history of dementia or those wanting to stay fresh and connected. Maintain and enhance your body, mind and spirit through daily activities, exercise, education and more!
Tuesday – Thursday
10am – 2pm
(lunch included)
Daily Rate $57
Private pay, IRIS, Family Care, LTC and VA benefits accepted
AFCSP, NFCSP and CRGP respite grants accepted
✅ Health & Wellness
✅ Emotional Education and Social Support
✅ Art & Music
✅ Outings & Entertainment
✅ Peer Connection
✅ Respite for Caregivers
Call today!
to learn more 414.258.6171 x 240
7500 West North Avenue | Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53213 | thelutheranhome.org